Webinar - Transfer pricing in the focus of tax audits: How to respond to the new attitude of the Luxembourg tax authorities?

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We’re taking our ATOZ Briefings on-line!

ATOZ Briefings are seminars offered by ATOZ to ensure that our clients are ahead of the curve on specific topics which may affect their areas of business and for now they’ll be coming to you digitally!

In these extraordinary times, we stand by our clients and adapt to a new reality, keeping everybody informed through a series of webinars on current tax topics.

Oliver R. Hoor will therefore be hosting a series of Briefing webinars, in cooperation with Legitech, over the course of the next six weeks, taking place every Wednesday morning.

The second in the series, taking place on 15 April 2020 at 10:30AM CET, is entitled “Transfer pricing in the focus of tax audits: How to respond to the new attitude of the Luxembourg tax authorities?



Over the last few years, transfer pricing and related documentation has become the hot topic in Luxembourg taxation. Experience shows that transfer pricing is frequently put under the microscope within the tax assessment process and during tax audits. With the increased focus on transfer pricing, disputes between companies and the tax authorities are also becoming more common.

Taxpayers should ideally take a pro-active attitude towards transfer pricing and prepare documentation, where appropriate, at the time they enter into a controlled transaction rather than waiting until a transaction is picked up during a tax audit.

This webinar focuses on the changing Luxembourg transfer pricing landscape and how taxpayers can mitigate tax risks related to transfer pricing challenges.



  1. Introduction
  2. Controlled transactions in Luxembourg
  3. Transfer pricing adjustments under Luxembourg tax law
  4. Reporting obligations relating to intra-group transactions
  5. Recent case law in regards to transfer pricing
  6. Best practice recommendations


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