Webinar - Managing substance in the COVID-19 environment: Ensuring tax residency and avoiding unintentional permanent establishments

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We’re taking our ATOZ Briefings on-line!

ATOZ Briefings are seminars offered by ATOZ to ensure that our clients are ahead of the curve on specific topics which may affect their areas of business and for now they’ll be coming to you digitally!

In these extraordinary times, we stand by our clients and adapt to a new reality, keeping everybody informed through a series of webinars on current tax topics.

Oliver R. Hoor will therefore be hosting a series of Briefing webinars, in cooperation with Legitech, over the course of the next six weeks, taking place every Wednesday morning.

The first in the series, taking place on 8 April 2020 at 10:30AM CET, is entitled “Managing substance in the COVID-19 environment: Ensuring tax residency and avoiding unintentional permanent establishments



The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in an unprecedented situation that requires radical measures by governments to limit the uncontrolled spread of the virus among the population. Many jurisdictions in Europe and the rest of the world, including Luxembourg, have announced travel restrictions and the requirement of “social distancing”.

As part of a series of measures to cope with the COVID-19 situation, the Luxembourg government also provides flexibility with respect to the holding of shareholder and board of director meetings (Article 12 of the Règlement Grand-Ducal of 18 March 2020).

However, all the measures adopted in Luxembourg and abroad may have a very practical impact on the management of the substance of Luxembourg companies and funds. It should also be considered that depending on how the current COVID-19 pandemic develops, it cannot be excluded that this situation will last for several months.

In this webinar, we will consider how the substance of Luxembourg companies can be properly managed with a view to mitigate foreign tax risks.



  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of simplification measures (shareholder and board of director meetings)
  3. The importance of substance in international tax
  4. Managing Luxembourg tax residence
  5. Avoiding unintentional permanent establishments
  6. Practical recommendations


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