Webinar - Investments into distressed debt: A flourishing asset class in the post-COVID-19 world

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We’re taking our ATOZ Briefings on-line!

ATOZ Briefings are seminars offered by ATOZ to ensure that our clients are ahead of the curve on specific topics which may affect their areas of business and for now they’ll be coming to you digitally!

In these extraordinary times, we stand by our clients and adapt to a new reality, keeping everybody informed through a series of webinars on current tax topics.

Oliver R. Hoor will therefore be hosting a series of Briefing webinars, in cooperation with Legitech, over the next few months, taking place every Wednesday morning.

This webinar, taking place on 10 June 2020 at 10:30AM CET, is entitled “Investments into distressed debt: A flourishing asset class in the post-COVID-19 world”



Investments into distressed debt are an important niche market in Luxembourg which soared over the last decade, contributing to the Grand Duchy’s success as a prime location for the structuring of Alternative Investments in and through Europe. The current COVID-19 crisis, the resulting economic turmoil and the need of businesses to create liquidity should provide new opportunities for investments into distressed debt.

Broadly speaking, investments into distressed debt rely on the acquisition of non-performing loans or other distressed debt instruments at a price below par value. Thereafter, the idea is to realize capital gains upon the disposal or repayment of the debt instrument once the financial situation of the debtor improves.

Investments into distressed debt may be organised via different Luxembourg vehicles including, in particular, Luxembourg companies, securitisation vehicles and fund vehicles or a combination thereof. This webinar provides an overview of the common investment solutions available in Luxembourg.



  1. Introduction
  2. Distressed debt investment opportunities in the post-COVID-19 world
  3. Luxembourg solutions for investments into distressed debt
    a. Overview
    b. The specialised investment fund (SIF)
    c. The reserved alternative investment fund (RAIF)
    d. Securitisation vehicles
    e. A Luxembourg company
  4. Concluding remarks


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