We are joining forces in London with Luther Law Firm to host a breakfast briefing with the aim of sharing practical insights and information on recent developments, across Luxembourg and German perspectives, to keep in mind when fundraising going into 2024!
Join us as of 9am on Thursday, 12 October 2023, at The Biltmore Mayfair, to find out more!
Event timings
Event agenda
- Opening words
- Dos and don'ts in cross-border pre-marketing
- Successfully raising money from institutional investors in Germany - Legal and practical considerations
- Evolution of Luxembourg investment structures and vehicles
- Typical fund investment structures - Case study: ELTIF 2.0
- Alternative access to fund structures to address specific investor requirements: Securitisation / Parallel Funds / Master-Feeder
- Carbon Credit Structures
- NAV loans
- Closing remarks
External Speaker
Luther Law Firm