Taxand Global Guide to M&A Tax 2022

Taxand is delighted to present the latest edition of the Taxand Global M&A Tax Guide, designed as a desktop guide to equip you with tax reference points relevant to mergers and acquisitions, including recent local tax measures and developments.

The global M&A environment has proved remarkably robust considering the geopolitical and economic turbulence of the past year. Indeed, M&A has continued to thrive in 2022, with deal pipelines remaining healthy and volumes holding at USD1.01 trillion.

Furthermore, the substantial levels of “dry powder” available to buyout funds will continue to contribute to a push for global M&A, even in the face of rising interest rates, giving us reasons to remain optimistic about the foreseeable future.

With a large number of dedicated country chapters, including France, Germany, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and the United States, this guide will provide you with a full overview of key M&A developments throughout the globe.

In the Luxembourg chapter, we look, amongst many other key topics, at recent local developments such as the latest in BEPS and the COVID-19 crisis related tax domain.

Says Oliver Remacle, "Today, Luxembourg remains a preferred jurisdiction for institutional and private investors, including hedge funds and private equity investors, and is ranked as the second largest global fund centre." He goes on to say, "After having experienced the effects of global volatility in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis, from April 2020 until December 2021, the total net assets of Luxembourg regulated investment funds has been increasing continuously (+ 5.40% in 2020 and +17.80% over the year 2021) to reach EUR 5,859.485 bn. by the end of 2021. However, since the beginning of 2022, the financial market activity is weakened due to, mainly, the continuing Ukraine crisis and the persistence of the inflation tensions and the total net assets of Luxembourg regulated investment funds has decreased by 8.4% to reach EUR 5,367.849 as of 31 May 2022."

Statistics source here.

Click here to download your copy of the full Taxand Global M&A Tax Guide.

M&A guide 2022